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Catalog of chemicals for cleaning furniture and washing carpets

Wieberr is a professional chemical for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture wholesale and retail from a Ukrainian manufacturer. European quality in Ukraine!

Catalog of chemicals for cleaning furniture and washing carpets

The performance corresponds to the description 91%
Ease of purchase
Quick operator response 75%
Instructions and website
Advantages 65%
Warehouse and dealers in the regions 55%

Wieberr - efficiency and benefit!

According to the results of the focus group survey in the period of September 2020 – April 2021, numerous advantages of TM products Wieberr in Ukraine were revealed!
National manufacturer
100% Ukrainian manufacturer 100%
More profitable in most cases
Washing and cleaning on more favorable terms 93%

Wieberr in Ukraine - chemistry for cleaning carpets and furniture.

Dozens of companies and craftsmen throughout Ukraine use Wieberr chemistry. Hundreds of objects have been cleaned with chemicals for cleaning Wieberr furniture and carpets. Thousands of carpets have been washed with Wieberr carpet washing shampoos.

Fields of application of chemistry Wieberr

  • for economical carpet cleaning;
  • for washing handmade carpets;
  • for washing heavily soiled carpets.

General washing of carpets

  • to remove greasy stains;
  • to remove blood stains;
  • to remove ballpoint pen stains.

Removal of difficult stains

  • for pre-wetting;
  • for cleaning with a cleaning vacuum cleaner;
  • for rinsing and neutralization.

Mattresses, sofas, armchairs ...