Berry stains contain polysaccharides – from glucose, sucrose and the like to more complex options in the form of plant fibers. In addition, there are many dyes in the stains from the berries. These are usually dyes of the anthocyanin group.

Removal of stains from berries is carried out in two stages. First, you should remove masses of soft berry, in most cases with alkaline, enzyme-containing preparations. If the composition of such a preparation contains a suitable enzyme, it allows you to easily and quickly soften and remove stains from berries.
If a significant amount of dye remains after removing the bulk of the contamination, it can be decolored.

Means containing organic acids, active oxygen and some others can be suitable for this. The selection of the most suitable agent in this case should be based on the properties of the fiber and the coating as a whole.

Usually, it is quite easy to remove stains from berries.

Means for removing stains from berries

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