Fat stains are one of the most common stains on household items (carpets, carpets, upholstered furniture).

Chemicals based on surfactants and alkalis are usually used to remove greasy stains, and in difficult cases – based on citrus terpenes or other solvents.

Fats are different – vegetable and animal (in fact, it is more about what acids these fats are made of, but roughly they can be divided into vegetable and animal fats).

Removing greasy stains from chicken, pork or beef fat is quite simple. For this purpose, almost any products containing surfactants are suitable, especially formulations with a pH of 9 and above will do well. If the composition contains special enzymes of the lipase group, this composition will allow you to remove fat stains easily and simply.

Removing greasy stains from sunflower or linseed oil is a difficult task, especially if they have managed to thicken like oil. Then you need to either soak for a long time in a solution of enzymes, or in strong alkalis, or in special solvents.

Below are the drugs that can help remove greasy stains.

Means to remove greasy stains

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